4-8.12.2024 / Białystok

THE BEST OFF STOPTRIK IFF – pokaz specjalny

Rozpoczęcie: 4 December 2014 12:00
Zakończenie: 4 December 2014 13:30
Kategoria: Special screenings

THE BEST OFF STOPTRIK IFF – pokaz specjalny

StopTrik is an international stop motion festival – handmade spatial animation in which puppets, plasticine worlds, bulk materials and various objects of everyday use come to live. StopTrik IFF is held in Slovenia (Maribor) and Poland (Niepołomice, Bielsko-Biala). In each of these towns we can witness the latest achievements of artists from all over the world: both traditional stop motion films and experimental forms, using stop motion as one of many means of expression. The audience of the festival is responsible for granting the awards.

The presented selection includes winners and laureates of 4 StopTrik IFF, and other competition films which particularly appealed to the audience. The works by artists from China, Serbia, Slovakia, Great Britain, Poland, Italy and Croatia thematically revolve around the ills of the modern world, from consumerism, through pathologies within democracy and the threat of totalitarianism, to the economic crisis in Greece. Global politics affects individuals. The authors are inspired by such issues as searching for identity, partnerships and family relations as well as struggling with daily routines. Political metaphors go hand in hand with fairy tales, which often turns out to be a horror.






Recycled, reż./dir. Lei Lei, Thomas Sauvin, Chiny/China 2013, 5’32”
Rabbitland, reż./dir. Ana Nedeljković, Nikola Majdak Jr., Serbia 2013, 7’25”
Fongopolis, reż./dir. Joanna Kożuch, Słowacja/Slovakia 2014, 13′
My Stuffed Granny, reż./dir. Effie Pappa, Wielka Brytania/United Kingdom 2014, 10′
Domestic Appliances, reż./dir. Lewis Firth Bolton, Wielka Brytania/United Kingdom 2013, 3′
Dryf, reż./dir. Marcin Ożóg, Polska/Poland 2014, 4’19’’
The Bigger Picture, reż./dir. Daisy Jacobs, Wielka Brytania/United Kingdom 2014, 7’45”
Amnesiac on the Beach, reż./dir. Dalibor Barić, Chorwacja/Croatia 2013, 23’45’’
Imperium Vacui, reż./dir. Massimo Ottoni, Linda Kelvink, Włochy/Italy 2013, 5’40’’
Marilyn Myller, reż./dir. Mikey Please, Wielka Brytania, Stany Zjednoczone/United Kingdom, USA 2013, 6’
Simulacra, reż./dir. Ivana Bošnajk, Thomas Johnson, Chorwacja/Croatia 2014, 8’40’’

Czas trwania całości: 87’30”