3-7.12.2025 / Białystok

Competition Amateurs

Rozpoczęcie: 8 December 2018 18:45
Zakończenie: 8 December 2018 20:45
Lokalizacja: Camera Cafe

Competition Amateurs

We have the pleasure of inviting you to a competition screening within the ŻUBROFFKA Festival


December 8th, 2018, 6:45 PM
Camera Cafe, 14/11 Lipowa Street
free entry

Screening schedule:
Dziurawa Skarpeta na Emigracji/The Hole In The Sock Of Emigration, reż./dir. Michał Łebski, Polska/Poland 2017, 30′
On i ona/He and She, reż./dir. Antoni Torzewski, Polska/Poland 2017, 04’21”
Zbrodnia na duchu/The Killing of a Spirit, reż./dir. Tomasz Kowal, Polska/Poland 2018, 9’05”
Pod Wiatr/Against the wind, reż./dir. Jakub Witek, Polska/Poland 2018, 19’55”
Pokój Wojny/You’re My Soldier, reż./dir. Paweł Cichoński, Polska/Poland 2017, 8′
Dłuto/Chisel, reż./dir. Jędrzej Kozera, Polska/Poland 2018, 14’34”

The films will be judged by the Young Jury!

director: Jędrzej Kozera
director of photography: Jędrzej Kozera
music: Jędrzej Kozera
Poland 2018, 14’34”

Remaining together.

Dziurawa Skarpeta na Emigracji/The Hole In The Sock Of Emigration
director: Michał Łebski
director of photography: Patryk Mazurek
music: Monika Krajewska
Poland 2017, 30’

A film dealing with the problem of homelessness, not only in Poland, created by excluded youth.

On i ona/He and She
director: Antoni Torzewski
director of photography: Antoni Torzewski
music: Antoni Majewski
Poland 2017, 4’21”

A young man wandering around a night city remembers his first love.

Pod Wiatr/Against the wind
director: Jakub Witek
director of photography: Jakub Witek
Poland 2018, 19’55”

Mariusz Wolski has been working behind a desk for 14 years. He has been postponing plans for changes until one day he realizes that an ideal moment will never come. A moment later he hands in his resignation and reserves a ticked to his dream place – Iceland. Despite his lack of experience and professional preparation, he challenges the ice-covered island and decides to travel around it in winter.

Pokój Wojny/You’re My Soldier
director: Paweł Cichoński
director of photography: Wiktor Obrok
music: Paweł Czerwiński
Poland 2017, 8’

A little girl is collecting toy soldiers to carry out a battle.

Zbrodnia na duchu/The Killing of a Spirit
director: Tomasz Kowal
director of photography: Tomasz Kowal
music: Maciej Heller
Poland 2018, 9’05”

A morality play with no moral. What fits a movie anyway. Let’s not eat rabbits. A God’s view. Lines mean much. Three crime scenes. At least five crimes against the spirit.