3-7.12.2025 / Białystok

Competition Whole Wide World set I

Rozpoczęcie: 5 December 2018 16:30
Zakończenie: 5 December 2018 19:00
Lokalizacja: Forum Cinema

Competition Whole Wide World set I

We have the pleasure of inviting you to a competition screening within the ŻUBROFFKA Festival

Whole Wide World set I

December 5th, 2018, 4:30 PM
Forum Cinema, 5 Legionowa Street
free entry
age rating: 16+

Screening schedule:
Lâchez les chiens/Release the dogs, dir./reż. Emmanuelle Fleytoux, France/Francja 2017, 20’
Our Song to War, dir./reż. Juanita Onzaga, Belgium, Colombia/Belgia, Kolumbia 2018, 14’9”
Fauve, dir./reż. Jeremy Comte, Canada/Kanada 2018, 16’24”
Amor, dir./reż. Isabel Lamberti, Netherlands/Holandia 2017, 23’
La máxima longitud de un Puente/Big Bridge, dir./reż. Simón Vélez López, Colombia, Argentina/Kolumbia, Argentyna 2018, 13’
All These Creatures, dir./reż. Charles Williams, Australia 2018, 13’
Cadavre exquis, dir./reż. Stephanie Lansaque & Francois Leroy, France/Francja 2018, 12’50”

All These Creatures
director: Charles Williams
director of photography: Adric Watson
music: Chiara Costanza
Australia 2018, 13’

An adolescent boy attempts to untangle his memories of a mysterious infestation, the unravelling of his father, and the little creatures inside us all.

director: Isabel Lamberti
director of photography: Jeroen Kiers
Netherlands 2017, 23’

Film shows, in a number of fragmentary scenes, moments of a day in the lives of a group of teenage girls on the outskirts of a big city in the Netherlands. In a contemplative style, the short film outlines the lack of love in their daily lives, in its broadest sense. Not only does the film focus on the cold relations between the group and their environment but it also explores the relationships within the group itself.

Cadavre exquis
director: Stephanie Lansaque and Francois Leroy
director of photography: Stephanie Lansaque and Francois Leroy
music: Denis Vautrin
France 2018, 12’50”

Visual, acoustic and olfactory ballad through the wanderings of a one-eyed dog. In the maze of Old Hanoi’s narrow streets, the daily life and legend intermingle to the syncopated rhythm of Hat Xam, the Vietnamese blues.

director: Jeremy Comte
director of photography: Olivier Gossot
Canada 2018, 16’24”

Set in a surface mine, two boys sink into a seemingly innocent power game, with Mother Nature as the sole observer…

La máxima longitud de un puente/Big bridge
director: Simón Vélez
director of photography: Mauricio Reyes
Colombia 2018, 13’47”

After jumping from a bridge, William steals a motorbike to take his girlfriend for a ride.

Lâchez les chiens/Release the dogs
director: Emmanuelle Fleytoux
director of photography: Florian Berutti
music: Xavier Tabard, Jules Ribis
France 2017, 20’

Anouck is a resigned girl, torn between two loves, two types of violence: her man, an attractive watchdog, and her little brother, a young mad pup. The night of the boy’s 18th birthday, this delicate triangle explodes; Anouck’s revolt is on its way…

Our Song to War
director: Juanita Onzaga
director of photography: Juanita Onzaga
Belgia, Colombia 2018, 14’09”

Crocodile-men, a mystic river, some kids who like fishing and a war that ends all share the same Colombian land: Bojaya. In this place, the villagers have strange beliefs and celebrate the “Novenario” death ritual. This might be the beginning of a very long story, where spirits and humans meet each other to learn what is there to life after the end of war.