We have the pleasure of inviting you to “Different Shades of Patriotism” and discussion panel
December 6th, 2018, 6 PM
High School No. 2 in Łomża, 3 Kościuszki Square
free entry
age rating: 16+
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Slovakia, Czechia, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Romania. These countries, similarly to Poland, celebrate the hundredth anniversary of regaining independence this year. Each of them carries the burden of tumultuous history and faces various internal and political problems. As many countries, as many citizens, so many visions of patriotism, history and the future. The programme gathers films that show slices of these visions, tongue in cheek. On the one hand, we have a documentary about a competition for patriotic attitude in Aleksandrów Kujawski and a documentary about a young leader of a nationalist movement in Ukraine, on the other. We will learn the history of fans of a famous Czech hockey player, who starts a political movement, while another film will show the history of the revolution of 1989 in a small town in Romanian Carpathians. There is also an animation about the history of Latvia and a film showing the similarities between the contemporary immigrants and the political refugees of the communist times, a video essay on the “Austrian” character and an animation about conformism in the communist times.
We treat the programme half-jokingly and half-seriously as we believe that it is sometimes a good idea to see oneself and one’s nation from a certain distance.
Curator: Maks Piłasiewicz
Host: Zofia Jaroszuk
österreich!/Austria!, Hubert Sielecki, Austria 2001, 4’
Polonez, Agnieszka Elbanowska, Poland 2016, 16’
Jágr Republic, Ondrej Salek, Czech Republic 2016, 14’
STREMT 89, Anda Puscas & Dragos Dulea, Romania 2012, 11’
The Blackgod/Czarnobóg, Grzegorz Paprzycki, Poland 2018, 30’
The Latvian/Łotysz, Jānis Cimmermanis, Latvia 2007, 9’