EASTWARD WINDOW Competition set II (111′), 16+
5.12.2024, 17:30
Kino Forum, ul. Legionowa 5
admission free
The competition for the best independent film from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, Armenia, Slovakia, etc. – it’s directed to filmmakers from former socialist countries.
director: Adas Burkšaitis
director of photography: Narvydas Naujalis
music: Domas Strupinskas
Lithuania 2024, 18’
Sunny summer day at a suburban school. A schoolteacher finds out that her son’s poorly written exam may jeopardise his dream of attending a prestigious university abroad. The film explores sacrifices a mother is willing to make to secure her child’s success, raising questions about ethics and the pressures of education.
director: Anita Kühnel Szabó
music: József Iszlai, Magor Bocsardi
Hungary 2023, 16’01”
Miklós’ young adult life is a failure. After an accident, he finds himself in purgatory, where his father, who had died earlier, is waiting to accompany him to God. With his narcissistic father, the journey is punishment.
directors: Roman Khimei, Yarema Malashchuk
director of photography: Roman Khimei, Yarema Malashchuk
Ukraine 2024, 14’
On Day 377 of the Russian-Ukrainian War, in Kyiv, a man debates with his wife about the pillows – which one is for sleeping and which one is not. And why should we make a film about the war, anyway?
director: Andreea Păiș
director of photography: Ioana Dobre
Romania 2023, 24’
Claudia comes home from work one evening and faces her fears and worries. She worries that she is a bad daugher for not taking good enough care of her sick father, she worries about the war and even the posibility of strangers watching her family through the house windows. But she mostly fears that maybe she is not a good enough mother and that her relationship with her husband may soon come to an end.
director: Marie-Magdalena Kochová
director of photography: Kristina Kulova
music: Hastal Hapka
Czechia 2024, 12’
A nuclear power plant worker obsessed with counting has set a maximum limit on how much electricity he wants to consume. But the energy that should have lasted him for the rest of his life is slowly running out, forcing him to decide on its final use.
director: Anna Korom
director of photography: Lola Bedécs
Hungary 2023, 29’59”
Mária, a lonely 55-year-old plastic surgery addict and nail technician, one day finds her former love from her youth, Kálmán, on Tinder. They soon arrange a meeting, but due to Maria’s altered face, Kálmán has no idea that he is preparing to go on a date with his former lover.