Humour in recent short films
8.12.2022, 18:00
Bielsk Podlaski / Bielski Dom Kultury, 2 3 Maja St.
admission free
The author of the show, film critic Adriana Prodeus encourages us in difficult times to try to relieve tension by watching funny and humorous films. She invites us to smile sincerely by serving us different varieties of humour: absurd, incorrigible or sentimental!
Like an experienced medic, he applies laughter therapy on the audience, while being aware that each of us has a different sense of humour. Thus, during the show we will have a chance to feel like a dog or…. a tree. Together with a chubby 12-year-old who is ashamed of his mother, we will try to subject her to a certain metamorphosis. We will also have the opportunity to dream of a vacation that is beyond our reach, and we will undergo a reflection on man’s dependence on nature and the surrounding world. Finally, we will wake up in a clinic specialising in the treatment of a malignant hangover.
Even if we don’t split our sides laughing, we’ll grin a little together, because laughter is good for your health!
Curator: Adriana Prodeus
Guests: Adriana Prodeus, Paweł Mączewski, Grzegorz Brzozowski
Angry Dogs, Shaun Clark, 2020, 4’30”
Loop, Pablo Polledri, 2021, 8′
How it feels to be hungover, Victor Hertz, 2018, 10′
Vacation, Andrey Kasay, 2019, 2’25”
Sperm Obsession, Klaudia Prabucka, 2022, 5’41”
Warzywa i owoce, Maciej Jankowski, 2021, 26′
Man or Tree, Varun Raman, Tom Hancock, 2022, 4′
Gruba Kaśka, Julia Pełka, 2019 14′