INDEPENDENT Competition – Set I
December 4, 18:15
Camera Cafe, 14/11 Lipowa St.
admission free
Screening schedule (96′, 16+):
Nie zmieniaj tematu / Don’t change the topic
director: Hubert Patynowski
director of photography: Norbert Serafin
music: Wojciech Rusinek, Aneta Jankowska, Krzysztof Guzewicz, Aleksander Talkowski, Mehehe
Poland 2019, 30′
There are three rules in the ‘hood: “First: never lie to your homies. Second: never be chicken and always react to attacks. Third – and most important – never snitch to the pigs. If you break them you’re screwed”. Street code, ‘hood hits and rap.
Deszcz / Rain
director: Piotr Milczarek
director of photography: Kacper Zamarło
Poland 2019, 5′
Short, light animation about collective consciousness. It shows us that not accepting any responsibility for our own actions leads us to mindlessly follow crowd which, in turn, can end in tragedy. The film also deals with one individual’s attempt to fight collective hypnosis and its consequences for him as well as the crowd.
director: Emilia Śniegoska
director of photography: Ewa Radzewicz
Poland 2019, 24′
Quiet and simply stated story about the relationship of a 19-year-old Jette from Germany and a 91-year-old Polish woman – Zosia. During her year of volunteer work in Warsaw Jette regularly visits Sophia who spent her teenage years in the Auschwitz concentration camp and in the Ravebsbrück labor camp.
Miłość bezwarunkowa / Unconditional Love
director: Rafał Łysak
director of photography: Rafał Łysak, cooperation: Z. Dąbrowska, M. Łuka
music: Rafał Łysak
Poland 2018, 40′
Is it possible for an 80-year-old, very devout woman and her gay grandson to begin to understand one another? Will they be able to overcome their convictions through love? The director, Rafal, tells us his own personal story. His grandma Teresa has raised him since he was a small child and has become like a mother to him. She sees family as the greatest value in life. Her husband has passed away many years ago, her daughter has moved away, her sister leads her own life and her entire love and attention has been focused on Rafal, her beloved grandson. And then there was the moment when he told her about his sexual orientation. And it broke her heart.