3-7.12.2025 / Białystok

Party: Rozzma (rave bass, Kair, EGY) / PEDRO (Enchufada, PT) / The Busy Twist (afro tropical dance music, UK/GH)

Rozpoczęcie: 8 December 2018 22:30
Zakończenie: 9 December 2018 03:00
Kategoria: Concert
Lokalizacja: Fama Club

Party: Rozzma (rave bass, Kair, EGY) / PEDRO (Enchufada, PT) / The Busy Twist (afro tropical dance music, UK/GH)

A hot African explosive mixture of genres: rave bass straight from Cairo, the incredibly rhythmic electronic face of Lisbon’s suburbia, and afro-tropical dance bridge, connecting Ghana to London – all of it on a single stage in Fama club.

Rozzma (rave bass from Cairo, EGY)
PEDRO (Enchufada, PT)
The Busy Twist (afro tropical dance music, UK/GH)

December 8th, 2018, 10:30 PM
FAMA club, 5 Legionowa Street
tickets: 15 PLN (presale)/20 PLN (on the day of the event) – at Forum cinema’s box office and on bilety.bok.bialystok.pl


As he describes himself: “Rozzma is a fictional character existing only on stage and in videos. He got lost in time and space 7000 years ago and has just come back to Earth to find Tutankhamun’s mask, which was the greatest masterpiece of art and engineering during his primary lifetime but lost its value after it was engraved on one-pound coins”. The subject matter of Rozzma’s works circles around an attempt to determine the origin through destruction and transformation. He describes his music as “Prehistoric African Bass”.



A renowned Portuguese DJ and producer, raised in Lisbon’s suburbs, Damai. Previously known as KKiNG KONG, he spent his youth accompanied by the sounds and rhythms of Tarraxo, kizomba and kuduro. These styles had a significant impact on the development of his career and established his position on the Lisbon electronic music scene. PEDRO’S works fuse traditional rhythms with contemporary dance electronics. The artist is also a founder of the legendary Lisbon-based Enchufada label, whose catalogue includes the music of Buraka Som Sistema or Branko, among others.


The Busy Twist
A London-based collective focused on mixing sounds described as afro, Latin and UK bass – in addition to the classic solutions, they also present experimental cross-breeds and mixtures. Their debut EP, “Friday Night”, released by Soundway Records, reveals the band members’ fascination with a broad spectrum of British and African moods, including those aspects that are the best in the musical message of both cultures. Another influence that can be heard in their music is Colombian music, which is not only the consequence of a journey, but also of a collaboration with the local artists, for example, Nidia Gongora and Chongo de Colombia. The group’s plans include ongoing cooperation with Palenque Records, Systema Solar and Ghetto Kumbé.
