4-8.12.2024 / Białystok

competition Whole Wide World – programme 2

Rozpoczęcie: 7 December 2013 19:30
Zakończenie: 7 December 2013 22:00
Bilety: Bezpłatne
Lokalizacja: Camera Cafe ,14/11 Lipowa St. ,Białystok

competition Whole Wide World – programme 2

Program II 

Kino Forum, 6.12, 20:30
Camera Cafe, 7.12, 19:30
dead-endŚlepy zaułek / DEAD END, reż. Tonia Mishiali, Cypr, 2013, 15′
cinematography/zdjęcia: Nicos Avraamides

The loss of youth, social and professional activity intensifies the sense of loneliness, the obsessions and the „dead end” in the life of an elderly couple.

and-on-he-walksA on idzie / AND ON HE WALKS, reż. Elad Keidan, Francja/Izrael, 2013, 10′,
cinematography/zdjęcia: Itamar Mendes-Flohr

A Greek family is relaxing on the beach. The father is filming his son playing in the sand when a couple of loudly quarrelling tourists appear in the frame.

emergency-callsEMERGENCY CALLS, reż. Hannes Vartiainen i Pekka Veikkolainen, Finlandia, 2013, 15′
cinematography/zdjęcia: Hannes Vartiainen, Pekka Veikkolainen

Being human is a fragile and fleeting opportunity to experience life and the universe around us. In the face of overwhelming darkness all we can do is to rely on and find solace in one another. This film is based on authentic emergency calls and radio traffic.


ELEVATION (1)Podniesienie / ELEVATION, reż. Ophir Ben Shimon, Izrael, 2013, 20’40″
cinematography/zdjęcia: Ami Jacobs

The sabbath is a few hours away. Victor, a confirmed orthodox Jew, is stuck in the cosmopolitan Tel Aviv after missing the last bus home. Along his venture to find his way out, he clashes with a different everyday reality that evokes long forgotten feelings in him.

sacdenoeuds1Skóra i kości / SAC DE NOEUDS, reż. Eve Duchemin, Belgia, 2012, 25’
cinematography/zdjęcia: Colin Leveque

Brussels. A tram travels through the town. Three youths mess around loudly with the passengers. One of them catches Anna’s eye. They exchange smiles, brush against each other. A short tram ride, a furtive encounter… and everything gets entangled.

RECKLESSRECKLESS, reż. Bjorn Erik Pihlmann Sorensen, Norwegia, 2013, 21’19″
cinematography/zdjęcia: Tor Eigil Scheide

An uncompromising and controversial short set in the Scandinavian suburbia on the hottest day of the summer. A sister reluctantly babysits her little brother. Two young boys catch her attention, and she makes a crucial decision.

jamonSzynka / JAMON, reż. Iria Lopez, Wielka Brytania, 2012, 8′
cinematography/zdjęcia: David Woodman

José is a teenage pig living in a Spanish town, he is the only pig in his family. One day a new neighbour moves in next door, and José starts to come to terms with who he really is.

LA BIFLEFeng Hui / Bad Toys / LA BIFLE, reż. Jean-Baptiste Saurel, France, 2012, 25′
cinematography/zdjęcia: Julien Roux

Francis manages a video-club that owes its success to films featuring Ti-Kong, star of kung-fu. Insecure about his dick, Francis is afraid to reveal his feelings to his employee Sonia. But when she gets a role in „Evil Nurse” – the latest Ti-Kong opus – Francis no longer has a choice. He must save Sonia from a terrible danger: The Dickslap.