Mateusz Skutnik about his comic book: “In 2007 I said there wouldn’t be a continuation of Blacky because all I had to say in this formula had already been said. Five years later it turned out to be complete nonsense, and life goes on. In the book you will also find the answer to the question why there was more than a 5-year-long gap between two successive volumes of the series. In a nutshell – we present the second phase of the protagonist’s life, that is Blacky as a middle-aged guy”.
Mateusz Skutnik (born 1976) – illustrator, author of comics, writer, computer game designer (invented about a hundred). Pastel Games co-founder, founder and editor-in-chief of “Vormkvasa”, a long-time collaborator of “Ziniol” magazine. Published in the most important Polish comic magazines, also collaborated with the Slovenian “Spitburger” and Czech “Aargh!”.