4-8.12.2024 / Białystok

Film series: Old Prague Legends

Rozpoczęcie: 7 December 2013 21:00
Zakończenie: 7 December 2013 22:00
Bilety: Bezpłatne
Lokalizacja: Branicki Palace ,Kilińskiego 1 ,Białystok

Film series: Old Prague Legends

“Old Prague Legends” is an independent project of Czech filmmakers, the result of their love for cinema and fascination with urban myths and legends. They decided to film some hearsay stories – the result is a series of short animations, showing old Prague in a non-traditional way. The films comnine a mixture of classic animation and silhouette techniques, using real objects (photos, book textures as the background). In spring this year, one of the animations – “The Orloj” – was awarded first prize in the category of animated short films at Slovak festival Tell it Quick. The entire project has been finances by the artists themselves as well as donors from the Czech Republic and Europe (including Poland). “Old Prague Legends” DVD was released in late November 2013. It includes the first series of eight episodes. Shortly after the Czech dvd premiere it’s time the Polish premiere at ZUBROFFKA. The Polish language version was prepared by Bialystok Cultural Centre: the narrator of “Legends” is a well-known actor Ryszard Dolinski.

The guests of the show will be: Mirek Vesely (producer and camera operator), Ondřej Žatečka (director) and Marek Berger (lead animator).

In the programme:

O neviňátku z Karlova mostu/O niewiniątku z Mostu Karola/The Innocent Child of the Charles Bridge
O staroměstském orloji/O staromiejskim orloju/The Orloj
O neviňátkách z židovského hřbitova/O niewiniątkach z cmentarza żydowskiego/The Innocents of the Jewish Cemetery
O lásce na zámeckých schodech/O miłości na schodach zamkowych/Love at the Castle Stairs
O hraběnce z Černínského paláce/O hrabiance z Pałacu Czernińskiego/The Countess of the Czernin Palace
Golem/Golem/The Golem
Faustův dům/Dom Fausta/The Faust’s House
O čertových kamenech na Vyšehradě/Czarcie kamienie na Wyszehradzie/The Devil’s Stones