4-8.12.2024 / Białystok

Crazy Russian Animations

Rozpoczęcie: 3 December 2015 18:00
Zakończenie: 3 December 2015 19:45

Contrary to appearances, Russian animation hides many secrets. Directors, even within traditional techniques, sometimes touch on dark, bizarre and unpredictable topics … In a word – crazy. The selected films show Russian madness from different perspectives, such as childhood fears, existential loneliness and decay, doomed love, paradoxes of history and last but not least, the madness of war. You will see horrors, absurd psychological dramas with elements of fairy tales, perverse melodramas, but also black comedies and unique for Russia “animated jam” – a music video about tender owls.

Special guest: Denis Viren

Zakład mięsny / Stockyard / Skotobaza, 2007, dir./reż. Vera Myakisheva, VGIK, 4’16”
Inna / The One Who Was Different / Drugaya, 2008, dir./reż. Anna Shepilova, VGIK, 11’52”
Kartki pełne strachu / Pages of Fear / Stranitsy strakha, 2010, dir./reż. Dina Velikovskaya, VGIK, 5’22”
Kostya, 2012, dir./reż. Anton Dyakov, SHAR, 5’45”
Uraza / The Wound / Obida, 2013, dir./reż. Anna Budanova, 9’20”
Nuk, 2013, dir./reż. Philipp Yarin, VGIK, 13’
Ilyich on the Doorstep / Iljicz na progu / Il’ich na poroge, 2014, dir./reż. Mikhail Soloshenko, VGIK, 8’15”
Gda-gda, 2015, dir./reż. Sasha Svirsky, 8’23”
Very lonely cock / Bardzo samotny kogut / Ochen’ odinokiy petukh, 2015, dir./reż. Leonid Shmelkov, Soyuzmultfilm, 5’45”
Owl me Tender / Sovy nezhnye, 2015, dir./reż. Aleksey Alekseev, Svetlana Andrianova, Andrey Bakhurin, Natalya Berezovaya, Alex Budovsky, Andrey Zolotukhin, Gayana Matevosyan, Ivan Maximov, Sergey Merinov, Narara Muradyan, Monique Almelle Renault, Marina Rosset, Yulia Ruditskaya, Sasha Svirsky, Natalya Skryabina, Mikhail Tumelya, Yuliya Tkhay, Ramil Usmanov, Rim Sharafutdinov, 4‘

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