Trieste Science+Fiction Festival – Italian weird and eerie
December 6th, 2018, 7 PM
Augustów Cultural Centre, 9 Zygmunt August Square
free entry
age rating: 16+
Trieste Science+Fiction Festival is a multidisciplinary event devoted to the exploration of the realms of the“fantastic” genre, and the use of new technologies and experimental languages in film, television and visual arts. The main purpose of Trieste Science+Fiction Festival is to present and promote, in Italy and in its neighboring countries, “fantastic” productions from all over the world, focusing particularly on science-fiction and fantasy cinematographic and audio-visual works.
Curator: Luca Luisa
L’ora del buio/The hour of darkness, Domenico De Feudis, 12’
Manhunt, Brando Bartoleschi, 5’
H0_pe 02, Antonio Genovese, Francesco Bruno Sorrentino, 10’
Birthday, Alberto Viavattene, 15’
La Macchina Umana/The Human Machine, Simone Siragusano & Adelmo Togliani, 20’
Twinky Doo’s Magic World, Alessandro Izzo, 10’
Djinn Tonic, Domenico Guidetti, 14’