Whole Wide World Competition – set I
December 6 20:30
Camera Cafe, 14/11 Lipowa St.
admission free
Screening schedule (112′, 16+):
Nachts sind alle Katzen grau / All Cats Are Grey in the Dark
director: Lasse Linder
director of photography: Robin Angst
music: Dominik Blumer, Roman Lerch, Thomi Christ
Switzerland 2019, 18’
Christian lives with his two cats Marmelade and Katjuscha. As he is yearning to become a father, he decides to fertilize his beloved cat Marmelade by an exquisite tomcat from abroad.
Sobrado / The remaining
director: Renato Sircilli
director of photography: Emilio Gonzalez, Ricardo Miyada
music: Beatriz Id Limongelli, Caina Vidor
Brazil 2018, 22’
The scars on the bodies of four women mark a past difficult to forget. When one of the rooms of the house where they live is taken over by something unknown on the eve of a great party, their safety is put to risk. They are no longer alone.
Electric Swan
director: Konstantina Kotzamani
director of photography: Roman Kasseroller
France, Greece, Argentina 2019, 40’
Buildings are not supposed to move. But on Avenida Liberator 150, a building moves and the ceiling shivers, causing a strange nausea that devours its residents. Those who live on the top are afraid they’ll fall – the ones who live beneath are afraid they’ll drown.
Sous le cartilage des cotes / Under the Rib Cage
director: Bruno Tondeur
France, Belgium 2018, 13’
This is the story of a guy who’s gonna die… Maybe.
Một Khu Đất Tốt / Blessed Land
director: Pham Ngoc Lan
director of photography: Trang Công Minh
Vietnam 2019, 19’
A middle-aged woman and her son visit her late husband’s grave – situated in a former fishing village she hasn’t been to in decades. In the cemetery on the sandy dunes, they wander around for a long time without finding the headstone. Has her memory eroded, or has the grave been concealed somewhere underneath the green grass of the new golf courses? It’s true, for the nouveau riche, land for the living to play on is better than land for the dead to rest at.