4-8.12.2024 / Białystok

ŻUBROFFKA Special: All the colours of autumn years

Rozpoczęcie: 7 December 2023 11:00
Zakończenie: 7 December 2023 12:30
Lokalizacja: Forum Cinema

ŻUBROFFKA Special: All the colours of autumn years

ŻUBROFFKA Special: All the colours of autumn years

7.12.2023, 11:00
Kino Forum, ul. Legionowa 5
admission free

We are celebrating the five-year anniversary of the Senior Film Discussion Club and on this occasion, as part of ŻUBROFFKA, with the University of the Third Age, we invite you to a screening of three warm and award-winning short stories about human needs, worries and dreams. After the screening, over traditional coffee and tea, we will discuss different colours of our lives.

First, we will be taken into her world by Amelia (the excellent Katarzyna Figura in Karolina Porcari’s “Victoria”), an attractive middle-aged woman married to a medieval battle re-enactor. Their marriage gradually falls into a routine, with no sexual fulfilment for the woman. The heroine is not even aware of her own desires and needs, but soon what has remained dormant begins to awaken with the discovery of a mysterious parcel under the flat door.
Later, thanks to Wiktor and his family (mother in “Be somebody” by Michał Toczek played by excellent as always – Jowita Budnik), we take a peek into the flat that once belonged to Lech Wałęsa, a simple electrician who became the president of Poland, a symbol of freedom and a legend. Today, curiosity-driven excursions come by the windows of the apartment on an ordinary post-Pomeranian housing estate. Perhaps the new tenants can benefit in some way?
Finally, we will go on a journey with Zofia and Anna, the heroines of “My old Gals” by Natasza Parzymies, bravely played by Dorota Pomykala and Dorota Stalińska, masters of the Polish cinema. Both women will try to recall what once united them.

Host: Rafał Pawłowski
Guests: via skype Karolina Porcari and Krzysztof Szekalski

Victoria, Karolina Porcari, Polska 2022, 28′
Być kimś/Be Somebody, Michał Toczek, Polska 2023, 26′
Moje stare/My old Gals, Natasza Parzymies, Polska 2023, 25′