4-8.12.2024 / Białystok

ŻUBROFFKA Special: France now!

Rozpoczęcie: 7 December 2023 18:00
Zakończenie: 7 December 2023 19:30

ŻUBROFFKA Special: France now!

ŻUBROFFKA Special: France now! (78′)

7.12.2023, 18:00
Łomża / Gallery under the Arcades, Stary Rynek
admission free

Contemporary France is boiling and bubbling with emotion. During the show, we offer you a trip into its less obvious corners – places and spheres of life that are worth exploring!

While watching “La charge mentale”, we will visit a French village to see how some French men – hoping to regain the respect of the community – take part in a wife-bearing race. With “2 ou 3 choses que je ne sais pas d’elle”, we will look at the suburbs of Brest through the eyes of an 18-year-old heroine who has recently donned the hijab. France has champions in practically every sport, and for many it is the best opportunity to change their social status for the better. Through the film “Tall”, we learn what France’s unique youth training system is all about and the sacrifices it entails. Finally, we will experience a bit of luxury with a certain young bodyguard (“Donovan escapes”), but unfortunately this will not last very long.

Curator: Krzysztof Sienkiewicz
Guest: Sabrina Idiri Chemlou

La charge mentale/Wife Carrying, Mathias Rifkiss, Colas Rifkiss, 2023, 24′
2 ou 3 choses que je ne sais pas d’elle/Two or Three Things I don’t know about her, Sabrina Idiri Chemlou, 2023, 22′
Tall, Quentin Elles, 2023, 19′
Donovan escapes, Lucie Plumet, 2022, 25′