ŻUBROFFKA Special: Germany – not so black as it is painted
7.12.2023, 18:30
Augustów / sala widowiskowa MDK, Rynek Zygmunta Augusta 9
admission free
The young German filmmakers’ look at their own country is an attempt to show the many and very different faces of our western neighbour in its contemporary pains and joys. Starting with political and social films (“Biotop”, “Zeitpunkt X”), through those dealing with the environment (“Benztown”), problems with one’s own embarrassing apparel (“In den Binsen”) or the side effects of motherhood (“Wochenbett”), we will have a chance to learn more about German vices and virtues in all their complexity.
The programme includes films that will move, but also make us smile, contribute to relaxation or remind us that the film is also used to entertain.
Curators and Guests: Dorota Filipiak i Kornel Miglus
#klangberlins, Boris Seewald, 2017, 3’22”
Benztown, Gottfried Mentor, 2020, 4’45”
Biotop/Biotope, Paul Scholten, 2018, 11’31”
Concept of a Happy Mom, Henriette Rietz, 2023, 4’39”
Zeitpunkt X/Made in Germany, Simon Schneider, 2022, 24’50”
In den Binsen, Clara Zoë My-Linh von Arnim, 2020, 6’04”
Glückspfad, Thea Sparmeier, Jakob Werner, Pauline Cremer, 2021, 5’19”
Stiletto, Can Merdan Dogan, 2021, 17’49”
Wochenbett, Henriette Rietz, 2020, 4’36”
1 Bottle of Wine, Anne Isensee, 2020, 5′