ŻUBROFFKA Special: It will never be the same again – West Ukrainian Films
8.12.2023, 18:00
Muzeum Wojska w Białymstoku, ul. J. Kilińskiego 7
admission free
On 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation launched a full-scale war against Ukraine. All willing men and women joined the Armed Forces and Territorial Defence, the volunteer movement was mobilised, refugee assistance centres were created. In fact, everyone wanted to do as much as possible to help win this war. Prepared by the Ukrainian film festival “Kino Susidiv”, this selection of films presents stories filmed by talented filmmakers from Uzhhorod, Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk. They tell stories about how life is now looks like in Ukraine and what people care most about when their world slowly slips away….
On the website of the festival taking place in Uzhhorod (in western Ukraine) you can read: „In a time of war, we all realized the value of true good-neighbourliness – not only at the household level but also at the level of states. When those who share a border with you unite to provide help and fight against a common enemy, as if borders do not exist, instead there is only one duty – to stay humane and not to leave anyone in the lurch.”
Times are difficult and we do not know when this will change. Watching the films of our Ukrainian friends together, in as large a group as possible, is also a kind of support. Let them know that we remember them and are interested in what they have to say about their world today.
Curator: Sasha Prokopenko
Guests: Sasha Prokopenko, Natalia Ilchuk
Maternité, Natalia Ilchuk, France, 2019, 17′
Omen of Wonder, Oleksandr Hoisan, Ukraine, 2021, 17’34”
Save me, Doctor!, Dmytro Hreshko, Ukraine, 2020, 19’
It Is Quiet Here, Olena Podolianko, Novruz Hikmet, Ukraine/Germany, 2022, 13’
Kharkiv Music Fest Did Happen, Vyacheslav Turyanytsya, Ukraine, 2022, 11’05”