4-8.12.2024 / Białystok

ŻUBROFFKA Special: Canadian Film Breakfast

Rozpoczęcie: 10 December 2016 11:00
Zakończenie: 10 December 2016 13:00
Kategoria: Special screenings
Lokalizacja: Zmiana Klimatu

ŻUBROFFKA Special: Canadian Film Breakfast

Zmiana Klimatu, ul. Warszawska 6, admission free              10.12.2016, 11:00

Each Canadian meal is something unusual. Breakfast is essential to survive hardships of the harsh climate. It gives us strength and energy to face the adversities of Canadian wildlife. Boiled eggs, fried sausages, fresh bacon, delicious potatoes, crusty toasts, the best pancakes with maple syrup and classic oatmeal are the basis for a solid start of the day. Breakfast may only consist of one of the components above, but truly nutritious Canadian breakfast must contain them all! Preparing such delicious breakfast, we wish to invite you to our special selection of films full of excitement and adventure.
Curators: Mélissa Bouchard i Julie Bernier

Trotteur, Arnaud Brisebois, Francis Leclerc, 8’40’’
Bernard le Grand/Bernard The Great, Philippe Lupien, Marie-Hélène Viens, 2013, 9’13’’
Viaduc/Overpass, Patrice Laliberté, 2015, 18’48’’
In Guns We Trust, Nicolas Lévesque, 2012, 12’25”
Mynarski chute mortelle/Mynarski Death Plummet, Matthew Rankin, 2014, 8’
Bleu tonnerre, Jean-Marc E. Roy, Philippe David Gagné, 2015, 21’
Bacon & God’s Wrath, Sol Friedman, 2015, 8’56’’

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