4-8.12.2024 / Białystok

Żubroffka Special: Midnight shorts vol. VI

Rozpoczęcie: 6 December 2017 23:00
Zakończenie: 7 December 2017 01:00
Kategoria: Special screenings
Lokalizacja: Zmiana Klimatu

Żubroffka Special: Midnight shorts vol. VI

Boom-boom, bang-bang, midnight shorts are back! With this iconic series at ŻUBROFFKA we pay tribute to B, C and even Z movies, so relished by New Yorkers in the 1970s. This is an invitation to a wild set of films that are hard to find even in the Darknet.

This year our heroes will go through all kinds of catharsis – from the erection in a botanical garden to a game of squash with a devil worshiper. Hm, what else? You can expect Turkish SF about the last cutlet on Earth, a monster-cigarette terrorizing the city at night and a Spanish kung fu movie with wild punks, taking viewers to the 1984 nuclear war. Plus some other gems.

Burators: Maciej Rant & Marcin Łuczaj



Justicia Justiciera III Kungfu Karate Annihilator, Rafa Dengrá, Spain 2016, 17’

The Robbery, Jim Cummings and Dustin Hahn, Australia 2016, 10’

In One Drag, Alireza Hashempour, Germany 2016, 3’

Dawn of the Deaf, Rob Savage, USA 2016, 12’

Botanica, Noël Loozen, Netherlands 2017, 13’

The Last Schnitzel, Ismet Kurtulus & Kaan Arici, Denmark 2017, 22’

Fucking Bunnies, Teemu Niukkanen, Finland 2017, 17’

Mouse, Celine Held, USA 2017, 11’