4-8.12.2024 / Białystok

ŻUBROFFKA Special: Eastern Women vol. II

Rozpoczęcie: 9 December 2016 12:00
Zakończenie: 9 December 2016 14:00
Kategoria: Special screenings

ŻUBROFFKA Special: Eastern Women vol. II

Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, ul. Świerkowa 20, C.01 (duża Aula, nowy budynek), admission free 9.12.2016, 12:00

Eastern Women is a special selection of shorts directed by East European female directors, for the second time present at ŻUBROFFKA. After decades of male dominance and despite constantly visible disparities, more and more women stand behind the camera. They present diverse styles and visions of cinema. Also in Eastern Europe women-directors leave their mark on the cinematic landscape of the region. The spectrum of genres, styles and sensibilities presented by some of the most promising young directors from Eastern Europe, is reflected in the multiplicity and diversity of the films’ heroines. They are women who often swim against the stream, facing such challenges as puberty, sexuality, motherhood, loneliness, or old age. The twins from End of Puberty, unpretentious story about adolescence, discover their sexuality and intimacy. Four mature actresses demystify the charms of menopause in a documentary comedy Melancholia. Valya (Fallen Leaves) is a 40-year-old woman seeking a cure for her loneliness. Raven Mother is an animated, folk tale about a woman who fights forces more powerful than herself and tries to accept her fate. The heroine of Transition, Jana, does not feel comfortable in her skin and wishes to change her life.
After the screening we invite you to take part in a discussion on women in cinema, which will be attended by directors, producers and cinema experts from this part of Europe.

Curator: Ela Wtulich

End of Puberty/Kamaszkor vége, Fanni Szilágyi, Hungary 2015, 13’
Melancholia, Klara Kochańska, Poland 2016, 22’
Fallen Leaves/Lystapad, Masha Kondakova, Ukraine 2014, 20’
Raven Mother/Krkavčí matka, Noemi Valentiny, Slovakia 2015, 8’
Transition/Tranzicija, Milica Tomović, Serbia 2016, 21’

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