4-8.12.2024 / Białystok

ŻUBROFFKA Special: Meksykańskie Śniadanie Filmowe

Rozpoczęcie: 11 December 2016 11:00
Zakończenie: 11 December 2016 12:30
Kategoria: Special screenings
Lokalizacja: Gran Via Center

ŻUBROFFKA Special: Meksykańskie Śniadanie Filmowe

Gran Via Centrum Języka i Kultury Hiszpańskiej, ul. Lipowa 6
admission free                                                        11.12.2016, 11:00

In Mexico, breakfast is an important meal which consists of several parts and is plentiful. During ŻUBROFFKA we will serve a set of short rarities, prepared by the Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes de México. We start with as strong as the blackest coffee look at life at the bar table, then we switch to as sweet as a bun adventures of a possum who finds a real treat while searching for food. Next we see a mysterious, tortilla-wrapped story of two people whose fates crossed just before the celebration of Mexico’s independence; hot like jalapeno animation dealing with fight for individual freedom, as well as a love story about the courage and sacrifice of runaway piñata, which will refresh your heart like freshly picked papaya. Finally, we should experience more colour of Mexican cuisine and life, looking at young Sikarios joined in dance and solidarity. After consuming our breakfast, you’ll shout like Eisenstein with joy and satiety: QUE VIVA MEXICO!

Curators: Ángel Romero Baez i Jorge Magaña

3 variaciones de Ofelia/3 Varations on Ofelia, Paulo Riqué, 2014, 15′
Tlacuache de Maguey/Maguey Opossum, Miguel Anaya Borja, 2014, 7′
Dulce dolor, Moisés Aisemberg, 2014, 15′
Zimbo, Juan J Medina, Rita Basulto, 2015, 10’
Trémulo/Tremulous, Roberto Fiesco Trejo, 2014, 20′
Perrus, Kalien Delgado, 2014, 10′

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