4-8.12.2024 / Białystok

Żubroffka: Borsch shorts

Żubroffka: Borsch shorts

Żubroffka: Borsch shorts
8.12.2017, 18:30
Sejny / Ośrodek Kultury w Sejnach, ul. 1 Maja 17, admission free

We are KISFF and we’ve prepared a selection of our favourite Ukrainian shorts from the last years. You won’t see any political films or social dramas here. These films are not screaming of their national identity, they are an authentic dialogue between an author and an audience. There are 4 films: 1 animation, 1 documentary and 2 fictions. Programmed films have been to festivals in Ukraine and abroad. Now you can make your own opinion on them too! If you’d like to see more — the next edition of our festival will be held from 25 to 29 of April, 2018. KISFF (Кyiv International Short Film Festival) is the largest short film festival in Ukraine.

Kurator/Curator: Kyrylo Marikutsa

Panorama, Yurii Shylov, 2016, 27’
E.W.A, Gigi Ben Artzi, 8’
Gum, Olga Makarchuk, 2014, 7’
It Was Showering in Manchester, Antonio Luckic, 2015, 27’

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