ZUBROFFKA on tour is action dedicated to show most intriguing, mindshakeing short films in screenings across the world and Poland.
ZubrOFFka International Short Film Festival In cooperation with Uppsala International Short Film Festival would like you to present new programme:
Trust Me—the sentence on which our most basic human interactions are based, our vital private relationships and our communal living, our entire inner and outer relations—is merely an invitation to suspend disbelief. We’ve looked behind the curtain and we’ve found a silver screen, a space for contemplation and clarification. Together with the Uppsala International Short Film Festival (SE) and the more recent ZubrOFFka festival in Bialystok (PL), we will glance at how filmmakers approach the issue of trust, seeking nuances in both historical and contemporary cinema.
Uppsala International Short Film Festival from Sweden, and the Polish ‘ZubrOFFka‘ also have a focus on Trust Me. Together with VIS’ programming contributions, the selections are screened at all three festivals: the triangle-collaboration will premiere on June 3rd in Vienna, subsequently screening in October in Uppsala and in December in Bialystok.
Producents/curators: Tomasz Adamski, Krzysztof Sienkiewicz, Maciej Rant
Producer ŻUBROFFKA on TOUR: Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury – DKF „GAG”
More info about project: www.viennashorts.com/en/programme/focus/
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