4-8.12.2024 / Białystok

Żubroffka: Trust me

Żubroffka: Trust me

ŻUBROFFKA, in cooperation with film festivals in Sweden (Uppsala International Short Film Festival) and Austria (VIS Vienna Shorts), will ask the audience about trust within the framework of  TRUST ME project.

Trust is a fundamental concept that influences interpersonal relationships, both private and social. It is also a significant and frequently used term in today’s world. According to curators and film coordinators who have prepared three special film programs and discussions, this international project aims to highlight the growing problem of distrust as the source of many other problems and crises in today’s world.

Film programs focus on TRUST or rather its loss to Europe’s decision-makers, elites and mass media, who have ceased to be credible. In times of extremes and media madness popularity, combined with  lack of a reliable information system, people stop believing each other. The question arises: how and who can you trust?

We will try to analyze and discuss the condition of trust and its absence on the example of the presented films, looking at how filmmakers from around the world approach this subject. The screenings and meetings have already taken place in Vienna and Uppsala, now it’s time for Bialystok.

Żubroffka: Trust Me: Generations. At the Crossroads

6.12.2017, 11:00
Białystok / VI Liceum Ogólnokształcące – Czytelnia, ul. Warszawska 8
admission free

7.12.2017, 18:00
Łomża / II Liceum Ogólnokształcące, Plac Kościuszki 3
wstęp wolny/admission free

Each generation understands the world in their own way and younger generations in particular want to make big changes. The need for change makes the world such a fascinating place to live. It also poses questions and reveals problems that must be discussed. Still, we hardly ever receive simple answers. The selected films focus around generational gaps, concerning key matters ruling our lives. They also prove that without trust conversations, mutual understanding or changes wouldn’t be possible.

Curators: Tomasz Adamski, Krzysztof Sienkiewicz, Maciej Rant

Trzy rozmowy o życiu, Julia Staniszewska, Poland 2016, 25’
Picnic, Jure Pavlovic, Croatia 2015, 13’
My Dad, Marcus Armitage, United Kingdom 2014, 6’
Interior familia, Gerard Quinto, Esteve Soler, David Torras, Spain 2014, 13’

Żubroffka: Trust Me: (Anti)Authority: (Dis)Illusion & (Dis)Obedience
6.12.2017, 12:00
Uniwersyteckie Centrum Kultury – Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, ul. Ciołkowskiego 1M
admission free

What is authority? What is disobedience? What is their relationship? What happens with our perception of the world when the lines are blurred and authority is challenged? Who can you trust? The male voice of reason as the voice of authority is the starting point of this set of slyly humorous films that in one way or another also seek to question, destabilize or undermine that authority. These films fearlessly take on patriarchy, capitalism, spirituality, education, sexuality and desire, as they investigate authority, disobedience and the illusion thereof. Program in cooperation with: Uppsala International Short Film Festival.

Kurator/Curator: Christoffer Olofsson

Hollow Coin, Frank Heath, USA 2016, 12’
Night Soil – Fake Paradise, Melanie Bonajo, Nederlands/USA 2015, 32’
Gratis Punch, Katharina Cibulka, Eva Jiricka, Czech Republic 2006, 6’
Geef me’s ongelijk, Laura Hermanides, Nederlands 2015, 27’
Audition, Lovisa Sirén, Sweden 2015, 15’

Żubroffka: Trust Me – Fake News. Sad. Counterfeiting Reality
7.12.2017, godz. 13:00
Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, ul. Świerkowa 20, C.02 – Mała Aula
admission free

Turn the page, switch the channel, scroll further down — there are self-promoters everywhere. And what a show they’re putting on! You won’t believe your eyes. Nor should you. Half of the time we’re not even aware of how much we let our perception of reality be shaped by politicians, the media, or filmmakers. We accept simplified representations of the world and think of them as essence, as truth. The four films in this programme (they are literally the best!) zoom in on the phenomenon of sensationalism and sensory overload. It’s going to be HUGE. Trust us. (Diana Mereoiu)
Program in cooperation with VIS Vienna Independent Shorts Festival.

Curators: Daniel Ebner, Diana Mereoiu

Journal animé, Donato Sansone, France 2016, 4’30”
Green Screen Gringo, Douwe Dijkstra, Brazil/Netherlander 2016, 15’51”
Redemption, Miguel Gomes, Portugal/France/Italy/Deutschland, 2013, 26’
Citizen Cam, Jérôme Scemla, Israel 1999, 26’

Panelists: Daniel Ebner, Diana Mereoiu (Vienna Shorts), Sigrid Hadenius (Uppsala International Short Film Festival), Tomasz Adamski (ISFF ŻUBROFFKA)



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