Films of the Jury members + Q&A

We invite you to a film meeting with the ŻUBROFFKA jurors!
We invite you to a film meeting with the ŻUBROFFKA jurors!
We motivated by last year’s success, we invite you to another screening for “ice swimmers”!
We will feast in distinguished company, with the creators of the festival’s opening titles!
We invite you to a true mercado latino, a perfect mix of films, food, and Iberian culture!
Are we always to be prepared? To act as though war could break out at any moment?
We invite you to another inspiring meeting with Podlasie!
Unique portraits of youth that allowed itself to be, to be visible and heard
Online memes suggest that fathers are almost their own species!
Different shades of human life, especially in its later stages
A great treat for viewers: films by our jurors!