Although last two decades were for Czech animation quite tough, one thing is sure: puppet and object animation tradition is vivid here. Still exists generation of masters with experiences from famous names of Czech puppet animation history. They are able to animate any 3-D thing you come with and they are ready to help younger artists. What is more important, there is constant desire among most of them to make puppet animation films. And outputs are so various as motivation of creators.
Pavel Horáček – Anifilm, programme director
Absurp, dir./reż. Matyáš Trnka, 2009, 6′
Jeden král měl koně, dir./reż. Aleš Pachner, 2011, 15′
Zápletka, dir./reż. Stanislav Sekela, 2015, 9′
Kychyňské pohádky, dir./reż. Vojtěch Domlátil, 2014, 7′
Anatomie Pavouka, dir./reż. Vojtěch Kiss, 2014, 27′