Kino Forum, 5 Legionowa Street , admission free, 12.8.2022, 17:00
director: Samir Karahoda
director of photography: Samir Karahoda
music: Memli Kemeldi
Kosovo 2021, 14’38”
In post-war Kosovo, driven by the ambition of keeping their beloved sport alive, two local players wander from one obscure location to another carrying with them the only possession of the club: their tables.
director: Andrej Kolencik
director of photography: Michaela Klanicová
music: Adam Matej
Slovakia 2022, 11’16”
To live one’s last days in peace and fulfillment in the company of a loved one. Light and buzzing of cosmic orbs. Quiet, slowly trickling film rejects the consumer world, medicine, and eternal rushing and pays homage to peaceful old age with a touch of spirituality and intimacy.
When Magda receives a long-awaited letter from Ján, her life becomes extraordinary. This poetic film intertwines a charming everyday life in the harmonious union of two beings with a meta-universe of moments of loneliness.
director: Saulius Baradinskas
director of photography: Vytautas Katkus
music: Rob Meyer
Lithuania 2021, 18’
Nikita loves to listen techno music and dreams to go to Berlin and visit the famous club “Berghain”. His mother Irena doesn’t know about his son’s dreams and soon enough their mutual expectations will clash.
directors: Urška Djukić, Émilie Pigeard
music: Tomaž Grom
Slovenia 2021, 13’40”
Four old women, reflect on their memories of old times when they were young and how different the relationships between men and women were back then. Their voices merge into one single voice, that of the grandmother Vera, who tells her story in proper detail. A trip into grandmother’s youth and the memories of her intimate life illustrate the status of Slovenian women in the first half of the 20th century.
director: Diana Cam Van Nguyen
directors of photography: Kryštof Melka, Matěj Piňos
music: Viera Marinová
Czech Republic 2021, 12’
A short film about ties and gaps between a child and a parent. The author rediscovers love letters her dad used to write her from prison. That love seems to be gone now. She decides to write back in hope to find the connection again. She puts in writing what could not be said: blaming him for family´s break-up but also trying to understand.
director: Andreea Borțun
director of photography: Laurențiu Răducanu
music: Cosmin Postolache
Romania 2021, 19’
In the suffocating summer air, a teenage boy goes looking for his new friend on the hot streets of an eerie city. The world feels unsettled, anchorless. Bodies and flesh, whether human or belonging to the natural world, bring a sense of comfort to the boy’s confused anxiety. When the blue of the night slowly lowers its veil, the birdsong echoes something deep inside. The visceral journey intensifies.
director: Dmytro Sukholytkyy-Sobchuk
directors of photography: Dmytro Sukholytkyy-Sobchuk, Andriy Lysetskyy, Konstantyn Klyatskin, Denys Vorontsov
USA, Ukraine, Ukraina 2022, 12’09”
The reality in Ukraine split into before and after the war. Every citizen is trying to contribute to the nationwide resistance. Many people retrained for the needs of the military. Sculptors and metalworkers now make anti-tank obstacles. In the art workshops, among the artwork, anti-tank obstacles are being produced. The artists make the anti-tank obstacles, surrounded by the sculptures of angels, Cossacks, and famous Ukrainian personalities. Statues stand in the corners like a silent army. Multiple copies of Jesus Christ, like a terracotta army, froze in various poses and waiting. Masters weld metal for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.